USGS West Virginia Highlights
The Most Current West Virginia Water Data Report Now Available
The USGS Water Data Report is now available online and improves on the previous online reports with a new interactive feature designed to make site data retrieval easier and more convenient.
The new report includes a national map interface that can be used to identify an area of interest, locate sites where water data were collected for Water Year, and access most of that data. The annual Water Data Report provides a snapshot of water conditions for a given year. Access the Water Data Report using a
text ( ) or
map ( ) interface.
Hydrologic Tools Now Available
USGS StreaMail

USGS StreaMail is a system for accessing real-time river stage and streamflow
from hand-held wireless devices, such as cell phones and Blackberries. All you
have to do is send an email or text message to "" and use a
USGS station number in the "Subject" line. In a few minutes you'll get back an
email with the most recent stage and streamflow.
Instantaneous Data Archive (IDA)
The USGS collects continuous (measurements from every5 to every 60 minutes)
stage, discharge, and other instantaneous time-series data on the Nation's
rivers and streams. The
Instantaneous Data
Archive makes available as much intra-day streamflow data and historical
instantaneous data, as possible, often several years' worth of data.
National Water Information System: Mapper
The new NWIS Mapper
provides an interactive map interface to all USGS water data (historical and
current). (Note: To access data, zoom in on the map to level 11 or greater to
make the individual sites clickable.)
USGS Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a format to
provide content feeds from web sites that contain article headlines, summaries
and links back to the full article from that web site. RSS is an easy way for
you to be alerted when content that interests you appears on your favorite
websites. Podcast/RSS

Highlighted Publications
The West Virginia Water Science Center produces publications about water resources.
Investigations Report 2016-5048 Assessment of hydrogeologic terrains,
well-construction characteristics, groundwater hydraulics, and water-quality
and microbial data for determination of surface-water-influenced groundwater
supplies in West Virginia
Investigations Report 2015-5106 Hydrologic budget and conditions of
Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian aquifers in the Appalachian
Plateaus physiographic province
Geological Survey Data Series 944 Annual and average estimates of
water-budget components based on hydrograph separation and PRISM
precipitation for gaged basins in the Applachian Plateaus Region, 1900-2011
Article Temporal changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of fish
assemblages downstream from mountaintop mining
Article Determination of (4-methylcyclohexyl)methanol isomers by heated
purge-and-trap GC/MS in water samples from the 2014 Elk River, West Virginia,
Chemical Spill
Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5182
Estimation of Traveltime and Longitudinal Dispersion in Streams in West Virginia
Report 2013-1137 Water Resources and Shale Gas/Oil Production in the
Appalachian Basin-Critical Issues and Evolving Developments
B-46 Hydrogeology, Groundwater Flow, and Groundwater Quality of an
Abandoned Underground Coal-Mine Aquifer, Elkhorn Area, West Virginia
Investigations Report 2014-5233 Water Quality of Groundwater and Stream
Base Flow in the Marcellus Shale Gas Field of the Monongahela River Basin,
WV, 2011-12
Investigations Report 2012-5186 Groundwater Quality in West
Virginia, 1993-2008
Investigations Report 2012-5121 Comparison of Base Flows to Selected Streamflow Statistics Representative of
1930-2002 in West Virginia
Investigations Report 2010-5185 Estimation of Selected Seasonal
Streamflow Statistics Representative of 1930-2002 in West Virginia
Investigations Report 2010-5033 Estimation of Flood-Frequency
Discharges for Rural, Unregulated Streams in West Virginia
Investigations Report 2009-5242 Regional Curves for Bankfull Channel
Characteristics in the Appalachian Plateaus, West Virginia
Series 2009-5145 Hydrogeologic Factors Affecting Base-Flow Yields in the
Jefferson County Area, West Virginia, October-November 2007
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